Saturday, January 29, 2011

Just So's and That'll Do's

The other day I had lunch with one of my dear friends. She was sharing with me her theory that there are two kinds of people - just so's and that'll do's. The Just So's like everything just so - I think Flylady would call them perfectionists. On the other hand, the That'll Do's will settle for good enough and not stress about perfection. Of course, this is a generalization, but there's a lot of truth in it.

Later on, in an email, she said that That'll Do's probably live longer because of less stress, unless they die under an avalanche of some kind in their home!

I think she's been peeking in my windows!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Winter in Photoscape

Here are some winter pictures I took at the beginning of December that I played around with in photoscape. Filters include noise, water brush, water color pencil, pencil, impressionistic, antique, and vignette. I included the original pictures for comparison.

More Fun With Photoscape

These were done in Photoscape using the pictorialization filter and then choosing either impressionistic, colored pencil or water pencil. I then played around with bloom, backlight, sharpen and contrast. I included the originals for comparison. As you can see, even a blurry picture has potential! Pretty cool for software that is a free download.