Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Prime Rib Soup

I made this recipe based on a soup that used to show up in our local diner on a Monday, presumable to use up the beef that didn't sell on Saturday night.

Beef broth. I use beef soup base, the paste type that comes in a jar from Sam's Club. My secret is to use about half of what they call for in the directions. Otherwise, in my opinion, it is too salty. I also chucked in a can or two of beef consomme, which adds nice flavor.

Beef - I used what was left of a rib roast. I think steak or London broil would work also. Just cut it into bite-sized pieces.

Vegetable: I roasted mushrooms and onions tossed in olive oil at 450 degrees for 20-25 minutes and then added them to the mixture.

That's it! Mix it all together and let it simmer on low or sit overnight in the fridge to blend the flavors. Enjoy!

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