Monday, June 2, 2008

Yes - I'm still here

I can't believe it's been over a month since I posted anything. I've thought about it, but then shot off in another direction. Anyhow, in case anybody is checking, things are fine at Little Man's house. He was last spotted in his little bed, trying to get some sleep after supervising his parents usual morning mad dash to get ready for work - all so we can afford his favorite cat food - Fancy Feast chopped grill. Cammie was at her post in the blue room window, keeping an eye on the birds and squirrels, and Spooky was chirping away on the back deck, making sure routine was maintained in her little world. Buttercup, aka The Thug, has been mostly MIA lately. He must have found a better source of food. It used to be 2-4 days between visits. Lately it's been 2 weeks or so.

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