Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Get 'Er Done!!!

I read a suggestion somewhere about reading the chapter in Proverbs that coincides with the day of the month. My efforts are hit and miss, but yesterday was a hit. Low and behold, what did I read but God's version of "Get 'Er Done", my uncle's favorite saying. (Which, by the way, he was saying years before Larry the Cable Guy made his catchphrase popular." Anyhow, here it is:

Proverbs 14:23 All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

Makes me think of my uncle's other favorite saying also: "Less talk, more work"!

Couldn't have been more timely, since my plan was to take the AM off from work and finish painting our front porch before the cold weather set in. We put the first coat on over the weekend, so round two didn't take long. I was helped along by some good tunes on the CD player, pointed out the window, and supervised by Little Man, who meowed encouragingly and kept a close eye on all the proceedings. The side tree did its best to fling leaves into the wet paint, but in the end, I got 'er done!!!

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